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Become a JavaScript-on-Mobile Pro with PWA’s

Responsive design took over the internet back in 2012, however the tech had been brewing since 2007, when Steve Jobs introduced the idea of web-apps to the world at the launch of the first iPhone.

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The Beginnings of A Technical Manager

In a little bit less than 7 months of joining GitStart, I have become a developer team manager for the first time. Even with previous experience of working on my own startup involving critical decision making and am used to holding up professional responsibilities, starting to manage people is a whole new level.

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Alumni Spotlight Series: Prameet

In this candid interview, one of GitStart's most outstanding developers Prameet Chakraborty talks about the company work culture, his remote working experience and future plans as he sadly leaves us to pursue a full time Masters in Computer Science program at University at Buffalo, New York.

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