Janvier Muhawenimana

Community Software Developer

I am a software developer and mobile app developer currently working at GitStart. With a passion for coding and problem-solving, I strive to create innovative and user-friendly applications that meet the needs of my clients and their users. I have experience working with various programming languages and technologies, including but not limited to JavaScript, React Native, Express, and Node.js, and contributing to open-source projects. At GitStart, I am part of a dynamic team of developers who collaborate closely to deliver high-quality software solutions to clients worldwide.

Blog Posts

MERN Jest Testing (Part 2)

In the second part, we are going to implement the rest of the application.

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MERN Jest Testing (Part 1)

We are going to build a blog api with node and express, the app will contain the users model and blogs model , the app will be simple and has no authentication.

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